Cracking the Google Cloud Digital Exam: A Strategic Approach

Cracking the Google Cloud Digital Exam: A Strategic Approach

In the fast-paced world of cloud computing, earning certifications has become a valuable asset for professionals. One such coveted certification is the Google Cloud Digital Exam. In this article, I will be explaining how I cracked the exam without purchasing any online course for mock tests. I will be attaching a list of free resource links as well.

Many times we have heard that the exam is harder/3x tougher than AWS CP Certification. But with the right study methods, you can crack this exam in a week of preparation and revision.

"This was MY STUDY PLAN which I am sharing for others to understand the preparation strategy"

Step 1

The first step in my preparation journey was to complete the Google Cloud digital leader course, available on platforms like Cloudboost, Coursera, or Pluralsight. Scheduling the exam a week or two after completing the course allowed me time for revision.

Step 2

To reinforce my understanding, I made running notes of the slides provided at the end of each module. These notes served as a quick reference during my revision phase.

Step 3

Searching for previous question dumps on platforms like YouTube, Google, or other search engines became a crucial part of my preparation. Solving these questions not only familiarized me with the exam pattern but also helped me understand the intricacies of each topic. Additionally, I made it a point to note down key learnings from each question. Also, use ChatGPT to understand the question and the solution. I would also get to know about the other options as well

Utilizing ChatGPT:

For a deeper understanding, I incorporated ChatGPT into my preparation strategy. For instance, if faced with a question like,

"An organization needs to store structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data in its raw, native format in the same repository. Which cloud data management solution should the organization use?"

A. Data field

B. Data lake

C. Database

D. Data warehouse

Answer: B. Data Lake

I would use ChatGPT to explain concepts such as "Data Field," "Data Lake," "Databases," and "Data Warehouse." This not only clarified the specific question but also expanded my knowledge of related topics.

Prompting for Understanding:

To enhance my comprehension, I utilized ChatGPT by prompting questions like "Data Lake vs Data Warehouse." This interactive approach helped me grasp the nuances and utility of each product. Writing or scribbling down these explanations proved to be a crucial step, aiding in better retention.

Step 4

Consistent revision of the practice questions accumulated during my preparation ensured that the concepts stayed fresh in my mind. This step acted as a reinforcement mechanism, solidifying my knowledge base.

Voila! You succeed

With a well-structured study plan, interactive learning with ChatGPT, and consistent revision, I confidently approached the Google Cloud Digital Exam. The key takeaway is that strategic preparation, coupled with the right resources, can make cracking this exam an achievable feat. Best of luck to those embarking on their Google Cloud certification journey!

List of Resources

Certainly! Here's the corrected numbering for the study materials:

  1. Study Material: Google Cloud Digital Exam Study Material

  2. GCP Sketchnotes: The Cloud Girl - GCP Sketchnotes

  3. Notes on Important Features: Waterstones - Important Services, Solutions, Concepts in GCP

  4. Quizlet Flash Cards: Google Digital Leader Flash Cards [Note: Google search Quizlet on "Module Name"]

  5. Cheatsheet: Google Cloud Cheatsheet (Only see the products that are taught in the course and study PDF)

  6. Question Dump: Whizlabs - Google Cloud Certified Digital Leader Exam Free Questions

  7. Question Dump: CertLibrary - Cloud Digital Leader

  8. Youtube Question Dump:

  9. 100 Questions Marathon: 100 Questions

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